
PM - Fintech

Who are you?

You love to ship. You optimize for moving fast and getting features out to users quickly. You understand the balance of building something usable, but not perfect. You prefer iterating on designs as users are using them rather than obsessing over details in Sketch or Figma.

You move with speed. You move incredibly fast, making decisions and overcoming obstacles with speed. You are not afraid of jumping into the code base or writing SQL queries to increase velocity on the team.

You think about the big picture and dig into the details. You think about the overall product, the brand, and most importantly, the user from ideation to ship. You effortlessly navigate between thinking about the why & the what, to the details behind how we build.

You are collaborative and low ego. Collaboration is your best method. You don’t care or remember who came up with the best idea. Engineers, product managers, and execs all love working with you because you make them all feel heard and you’re able to find a middle ground in dissenting opinions.

Learning makes you happy. You approach life with a beginner’s mind and with deep curiosity. You may already be following the startup ecosystem. You tinker with the latest design tools even if you’re faster and more comfortable using Sketch or Figma. You are constantly interested in improving your skills as a product builder and technologist, learning from your team, users, and design community. Inside and outside of work, you ask for feedback continuously, listen intently, launch quickly, test hypotheses and are constantly iterating.

The nitty-gritty stuff that you probably have on your LinkedIn but don’t define who you are:

  • Track record of shipping web and/or mobile apps that users love.
  • Degree in Computer Science, psychology, or business.
  • At least 3+ years of experience working at a startup.

We will not be a good *fit* for you if: 

  • You prefer the manager’s schedule over the maker’s schedule.
  • You are dogmatic about software development processes. We are a small tight-knit team that ships multiple times a day so we have just enough process which guides us.
  • You don’t like wearing many hats. We’re a small, nimble team, and everyone pitches in to make our team successful.
  • “That’s not my part of my job” is a sentence you find yourself saying often

If you feel you are looking into a mirror as you read this, here’s what you will do in a typical week @ Infinyte:

As a Product Manager, you will help us build an Infinyte offering that understands the real problems our members face, delivers powerful and engaging solutions, and helps them progress further in their wealth-creation journey. This means (with heavy collaboration from other teams) developing new solutions and experiences and linking together the diverse ways members can solve problems. The scope spans from discovery and navigation, through activation, feature retention, satisfaction, and more. You will likely leave an imprint on all core surface areas of our product. This is a big bet for the business and industry, but if done well we believe we can truly transform our members’ wealth-creation journies…and careers.

You'll be joining as part of the foundational team of an early-stage startup. Which means you’ll work cross-functionally to identify opportunities that create value, design, develop, and launch product features, and gather both quantitative and qualitative learnings. It’s a highly multi-faceted role and we tend to wear many hats.

  • Ideate, design, and code features of products used by the global wealth-tech community: products that define how people like yourself will invest in the future
  • Craft forward-thinking usage loops that drive product adoption and build brand loyalty. Make product and design decisions based on qualitative insights, quantitative data, our voice/tone, and the vision for how we want to create a million millionaires
  • Product jam and iterate with product engineers, product managers, and the business team on product decisions
  • Analyze data and product metrics via Google Analytics, Mixpanel, and SQL queries to form data-driven optimizations
  • Video call with founders and employees to understand their pain points and how you can design products to solve their problems
  • Play with products used by the best founders and operators to incorporate their best elements into our products
  • Collaborate with our content/marketing team on how to “productize” the topics that matter to the wealth-creation community
  • Become the expert on how individuals make decisions by listening to podcasts, reading blog posts, browsing VC Twitter, and talking to our team

Best things about the job:

  • A unique shot to solve a pathbreaking problem statement, not attempted at scale anywhere globally 🚀
  • A great opportunity to learn and develop yourself, and immense career growth. We just got started. Things will get serious very, very soon.
  • Be part of the most entertaining core team you will find
  • We operate in a zone of excellence: at Infinyte, everyone punches above their weight. Even the budgets.

Sold? Here’s how to apply:

  • Don’t overthink this. Just reach out to us at [email protected] with your CV and links to your portfolio. Bonus points for a cover letter that blows our mind! Please ensure to put your name and the role you are applying for in the subject line e.g <Katha Gupta | I’m the PM you’ve been waiting for>.
  • If you apply, we’ll make sure we get back to you within a week either with the next steps or the reasons why we feel we aren’t a fit for you. We do that for 100% of the applications we receive.