Why join us? Benefits.

Transparent and best-in-class ESOP policy

What kind of a company would we be, if we didn’t create the most transparent and frankly, the best ESOP policy in the country. As a consequence, expect this policy to evolve over time, as we learn more about best practices. So far, here are the key tenets of our ESOP policy -

  • Vesting schedule: A 1 year cliff, followed by monthly vesting.
  • Exercise window: Infinite Infinyte
  • Exercise price: No/ negligible. Many organizations force ex-employees to exercise their ESOPs within a stipulated period post-employment (6 - 18 months) regardless of a liquidity event in sight. What this means is that an employee will have to pay the exercise amount and a huge tax bill to retain ownership of those vested stocks without any guarantee of them ever being converted to cash. Not on our watch.
  • Liquidity events: A little too soon for that. But it’s the thought that counts. As we help unlock liquidity for our partners and customers, we’ll ensure we make that happen for our team too.

Health cover

We provide a comprehensive health insurance cover to all our employees and their family members. We also hold a discretionary buffer for unforeseen medical events which are not covered under insurance or completely erode the insurance cover.

Leave policy

Our leave policy is ‘take leaves’. We understand the importance of taking a break, switching off to address personal priorities and/or the need to re-energize yourself. We need you fully present - with the body and the mind - so that you continue to attack the problem statements that you come across at Infinyte with immense rigour and creativity.

Since we don’t count leaves, we don’t segregate casual/ annual/ medical/ bereavement / personal/ COVID leaves. However, there are three categories that we want to talk about -

🐾 Pawternity leaves: We understand that an adorable dog, a cute cat or a handsome giraffe could be a key member of your family. We want to explicitly call out that if you need time off to take care of newly adopted pets or sick pets, we are fully onboard with that. Once they are well, bring them to the office and lift our moods too.

🌄Mandatory leaves: We ENFORCE a mandatory week long (9 day weekend to weekend) stretch of leaves to be taken once a year. We also ENFORCE a leave on your birthday. Use these to unwind, spend time with the family, travel, visit that temple, go scuba-diving, whatever. Your call. Disconnect completely. This gives us all some time to reflect, passively process and return with a fresher perspective. And stories.

🐣Maternity/ paternity/ adoption leaves: We are excited for the new phase of your life. Take ample time off to ease yourself into this new role. We offer 26 weeks paid leave for women and 4 weeks for men - these can be taken before or after the child birth as per your convenience. This policy also applies to non-birthing parents, and in cases of surrogacy and adoption.

Unless it’s an unexpected circumstance/ illness, we request you to inform your manager and activate a vacation responder on your email and Google calendar so everyone in the team knows you’re away. If it is an emergency/ you feel sick, please take time off and drop any of us a text.

Assistance with financial planning

We feel what started as an informal gyan session should become a formal benefit for all our team members. Again, while we help operators in the startup ecosystem move towards financial independence, our teammates can’t not be prime examples of smart financial choices. We host frequent chats about structured, asset allocation approach to investing, and our chartered accountants are always there to help rationalize your tax spend.

Growth budget

We believe individual excellence with the right teamwork propels business excellence, which increases individual satisfaction and in turn propels our long term growth. Hence, we are in for whatever you need to grow and become better. That Substack subscription, that Udemy course, that webinar, whatever. Just align with your manager and go for it. Also, we believe the best way to learn is to teach. We encourage you to share your learnings with with the team so that we can collectively build our tribal knowledge.

Feel free to identify growth opportunities at work too. We are always up to something incredibly hard and interesting. If a project appeals to you, and you want to be a part of it, we always welcome a fresh pair of hands.

Expenses and reimbursements

We don't have a formal expense policy. Just do what you think is in our best interest. Our general moral stand is to stay on the side of frugality and find innovative ways of extracting the best out of cost headers. As we say, get them too to punch above their weights.

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