
The Design Team at Infinyte

Hi! we're thrilled to see you here!

You’ll be a great fit if…

You think about the big picture and dig into the details. You think about the overall product, the brand, and most importantly, the user from ideation to ship. You effortlessly navigate between thinking about the why & the what, to the details behind how we build.

You are collaborative and low ego. Collaboration is your best method. You don’t care or remember who came up with the best idea. Engineers, product managers, and execs all love working with you because you make them all feel heard and you’re able to find a middle ground in dissenting opinions.

You love to ship. You optimise for moving fast and getting features out to users quickly. You understand the balance of building something usable, but not perfect. You prefer iterating on designs as users are using them rather than obsessing over details in Sketch or Figma.

The Product teammates wear many different hats. We are a small tight-knit team that ships multiple times a day so we have just enough process which guides us. Our product design process often begins by thinking about the language and words first.
Best things about working at Infinyte?
FYI: You WILL NOT be a good fit for the team if you…

⚡Here’s what you will do in a typical week…

  • Ideate, design features of products used by the global wealth-tech community: products that define how people like yourself will invest in the future
  • Craft forward-thinking designs and usage loops that drive product adoption and build brand loyalty. Make product and design decisions based on qualitative insights, quantitative data, our voice/tone, and the vision for how we want to create a million millionaires
  • Product jam and iterate with product engineers, product managers, and the business team on product decisions
  • Video call with founders and employees to understand their pain points and how you can design products to solve their problems
  • Collaborate with our content/marketing team on how to “productise” the topics that matter to the wealth-creation community
  • Become the expert on how individuals make decisions by listening to podcasts, reading blog posts, browsing VC Twitter, and talking to our team

Application Process

  • Don’t overthink this. Just reach out to us at [email protected] with your LinkedIn Profile (or CV) and links to your portfolio or work samples that demonstrate user-centred approach. Bonus points for a cover letter that blows our mind!
  • Please ensure to put your name and the role you are applying for in the subject line e.g <Fistname Lastname> | <Design Role>
  • If you are a good fit, we’ll reach out to you to setup an intro call or share a small assignment.
  • Once you send in the assignment, you get to present to the team—the assignment and a few projects of your choice.
  • Lastly, spend time meeting the team members, 1-on-1.

Open Roles

🎨UI Designer 🎨🧬UI-UX (Product Designer)